仿瓷餐具看起來像陶瓷餐具,但實踐上它不是陶瓷餐具。像瓷器一樣的餐具通常更多地用于酒店。 你曉得酒店瓷器餐具的平安性嗎?目前,許多人不敢在外面吃飯,覺得不潔凈。他們感到不潔凈的緣由是由于餐具覺得不衛生。酒店運用陶瓷餐具的平安問題是的問題。讓我們來看看在酒店共用仿瓷餐具的平安問題:
Porcelain like tableware looks like ceramic tableware, but in practice it is not. Tableware like China is usually more used in hotels Do you know the safety of hotel porcelain tableware? At present, many people are afraid to eat out and feel unclean. The reason why they feel unclean is because the tableware is unsanitary. The safety of using ceramic tableware in hotels is the biggest problem. Let's take a look at the safety of sharing porcelain like tableware in the hotel:
1. cleaning
It is to clean the unclean porcelain tableware. Its purpose is to use water or cleaning solvent to remove dirt, grease and other impurities attached to ceramic tableware.
確保陶瓷餐具衛生的重要環節 清潔主要是去除附著在瓷狀餐具上的油污和污垢,并初步減少細菌,但沒有效果。 清洗效果取決于清洗辦法、清潔劑的類型和濃度、清洗時間、清洗設備、用水量、水溫等要素。 洗手通常包括向水池中參加溫水,按比例參加洗濯液,將預洗的瓷狀餐具放入水池中,浸泡一段時間后用軟布清洗瓷狀餐具的內外
To ensure the cleanliness of ceramic tableware is to remove the oil and dirt attached to the tableware and reduce the bacteria, but it has no germicidal effect Cleaning effect depends on cleaning method, type and concentration of cleaning agent, cleaning time, cleaning equipment, water consumption, water temperature and other factors Hand washing usually includes taking part in warm water in the pool, taking part in washing liquid in proportion, putting the pre washed porcelain tableware into the pool, and washing the inside and outside of the porcelain tableware with soft cloth after soaking for a period of time
法拉盛 洗濯的主要目的是洗掉洗濯液。 操作時,用活動清水沖洗仿瓷餐具上的洗濯液,更好用淋浴龍頭沖洗仿瓷餐具洗濯液。
The main purpose of flushing is to wash away the washing liquid During the operation, wash the washing liquid on the porcelain like tableware with active water, preferably with a shower faucet.

2. disinfection
洗瓷餐具后的重要工作是停止處置 的目的是為了保證陶瓷餐具上的微生物被消滅,保證陶瓷餐具的衛生和平安。 目前,餐館常用的辦法主要有以下幾種
The important work after washing ceramic tableware is to stop disinfecting, so as to ensure that the microorganisms on the ceramic tableware are eliminated and the sanitary and safety of the ceramic tableware are ensured At present, the common disinfection methods in restaurants are as follows
在水中煮沸 煮沸和加熱是餐飲業更早、運用更普遍、更經濟有效的辦法。它具有效果明顯、簡單、本錢低的特性。 適用于小型炊具、容器、仿瓷餐具等。 通常,要的物品放入潔凈的冷水盤中,煮沸后連續加熱10-15分鐘。
Boiling and heating in water is the earliest, most common and most economical disinfection method in catering industry. It has the characteristics of obvious disinfection effect, simplicity and low cost It is suitable for small cookware, container, imitation porcelain tableware, etc Usually, put the items to be sterilized into a clean cold water plate, and heat them continuously for 10-15 minutes after boiling.
高壓蒸汽 這也是餐飲業更常見的辦法之一,如蒸箱(常壓)、壓力鍋(高壓)等。 適用于廚房和食品加工廠的小型炊具、陶瓷餐具和管道的清洗和。 蒸汽通常在高溫高壓下停止15-20分鐘
High pressure steam is also one of the most common methods in the catering industry, such as steamer (normal pressure), pressure cooker (high pressure), etc It is suitable for cleaning and disinfecting small cookers, ceramic tableware and pipes in kitchens and food processing plants Steam sterilization usually stops at high temperature and pressure for 15-20 minutes
氯溶液 氯液法效果明顯,但有一定的殘留,特別是氣息殘留更明顯。 對細菌的才能好,但對孢子的才能差。 氯通常包括將瓷狀餐具浸泡在2/10000的游離氯水溶液中超越2分鐘。
Chlorine solution chlorine solution disinfection method has obvious effect, but there are some residues, especially the breath residue The ability to kill bacteria is good, but the ability to kill spores is poor Chlorine disinfection usually involves immersion of porcelain tableware in a 2 / 10000 free chlorine solution for more than 2 minutes.
3. boring
枯燥是用水從仿瓷餐具中去除水分的過程。 后的仿瓷餐具不應用普通抹布或毛巾手工擦拭枯燥,但應控制后的仿瓷餐具在倒置狀態下枯燥或枯燥水分,條件允許時可運用烘干機等設備清算仿瓷餐具上的水分,使仿瓷餐具堅持枯燥狀態。
Dryness is the process of removing water from porcelain like tableware with water The sterilized porcelain like tableware shall not be wiped by hand with ordinary rags or towels, but the sterilized porcelain like tableware shall be controlled to be dry or dry under the inverted state. If conditions permit, the dryer and other equipment can be used to clear the water on the porcelain like tableware, so as to make the porcelain like tableware stick to the dry state.
4. custody
將枯燥的仿瓷餐具放在特殊的仿瓷餐具柜中。放置無菌仿瓷餐具的櫥柜應經常清洗,避免潔凈的仿瓷餐具再次被污染。 仿瓷餐具柜的門應緊閉,以防蚊子、蒼蠅、蟑螂和老鼠進入。 效勞員去取仿瓷餐具時應該洗手。
Put the boring porcelain like tableware in the special porcelain like tableware cabinet. The cabinets where aseptic porcelain like tableware is placed should be cleaned and disinfected frequently to avoid the pollution of clean porcelain like tableware again The door of the porcelain imitation sideboard should be closed tightly to prevent mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and rats from entering The waiter should wash his hands when he goes to pick up the imitation porcelain tableware.
In order to make the use of tableware more safe, when purchasing tableware, we should go to the right shopping malls and supermarkets, and try to choose the porcelain like tableware with qualified quality. See if the tableware is out of shape. Children should not use bright colored imitation porcelain tableware, especially those printed in the tableware, should try to choose light colored imitation porcelain tableware.
合格的仿瓷餐具可放入冰箱或沸水中煮沸,平安性高。 運用陶瓷餐具時,盡量長時間不要含有酸性、油性和堿性食物。特別是,不要把油多的食物放在要用微波爐加熱的瓷餐具里,以防有毒物質的釋放
Qualified porcelain like tableware can be boiled in refrigerator or boiling water, with high safety When using ceramic tableware, try not to contain acid, oily and alkaline food for a long time. In particular, do not put oily food in the porcelain tableware to be heated in the microwave oven to prevent the release of toxic substances
你應該理解酒店運用陶瓷餐具和三聚氰胺餐具的狀況。無論是酒店餐具還是家庭餐具,購置平安餐具是更重要的,所以在選擇時要留意以上幾點, 今天的精彩內容就暫且給大家介紹到這里了,一次性餐具的小編十分歡迎歡迎大家給我們留言評論。想要了解更多內容,歡迎訪問網站:http://www.91guitar.com
You should understand the use of ceramic tableware and melamine tableware in the hotel. Whether it's hotel tableware or family tableware, it's the most important to purchase safe tableware, so pay attention to the above points when choosing. Today's wonderful content will be introduced here for the time being. Welcome to leave a message and comment on the small edition of disposable tableware. For more information, please visit http://www.91guitar.com
- 上一個: 家里四種餐具的能否平安衛生呢?
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